Under Construction: Bucolic House

A residential retreat located in the Polish countryside

Set back from the main road by a winding drive, the location of this private home creates a sense of seclusion and privacy while repurposing the footprint of existing barn structures. Extending stone retaining walls anchor the house to the open landscape while the restrained, human scale of the interior spaces gently moors the inhabitants inside the home.

As one moves through Bucolic House, variations in lighting conditions are revealed during the course of the day - sometimes bright, expansive, animated by the exterior landscape, and vast, other times dimmed, framed, calming, and curated.  In moments of calm and shadow, a focus on the home’s layered interior spaces becomes possible, highlighting the textures of natural materials such as stone, metal detailing, timber, cast-in-place concrete and clay tile roof.


Extended Threshold


Overlook Extension